Torsion fields / Pola torsyjne

First Published on, September 23, 2020 [updates, collection, ru, en, pl] Торсионные поля / Torsion fields / Pola torsyjne. Continued here since 26.2.2025. ]

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Table of contents

Dr. Diana Wojtkowiak

  • Scientific papers / Referaty naukowe
  • Social & political advocacy / Rzecznictwo
  • Public presentations / Wystąpienia publiczne

Badania Rosyjskie / Russian research



Dr. Diana Wojtkowiak

[mainly pl, some en and ru]  Dr. Diana Wojtkowiak’s website

Scientific papers / Referaty naukowe

Whence magnetism in vaxed persons? — WIMPs and biological nuclear reaction in the human body / WIMPy i biologiczna reakcja jądrowa w organizmie człowieka

Laser cząstek pola torsyjnego  / Torsion field particle laser

Fantom cywilizacyjny (pdf) / The civilisational phantom

Spektroskopia pól torsyjnych / Torsion field spectroscopy

To o spektroskopii pól torsyjnych, koniu roboczym moich działań.  — Humanity’s wireless risk: scientists must clear away what determines bio-effects — EMFs or torsion fields / This one is on torsion field spectroscopy, the workhorse of my scientific activity.

Спектроскопия частиц торсионного поля – RU Журнал Формирующихся Направлений Науки (2018) номер 19-20 том 6, стр. 10-18. / Torsion field spectroscopy (shorter version of the Polish above paper}

Ale tam już i tak wszystko kontroluje FSB, publikacja została opatrzona kilkustronicową recenzją, która ma zdyskredytować jej wartość. Pewnie aby mnie zniechęcić. […] Jest cała kupa rosyjskich publikacjach o odziaływaniu pól torsyjnych w różnych ich czasopisamach, do wiekszości nie mam dostępu, tak jak nie każdy ma dostęp do polskich publikacji naukowych.— Humanity’s wireless risk: scientists must clear away what determines bio-effects — EMFs or torsion fields / That Russian journal is under [security agency of Russia] FSB control. A several page long review is attached to my publication to devalue it, perhaps in order to discourage me. […] On torsion field effects there is a whole lot in Russian publications, in their journals, but I have no access, just as not everyone can access Polish scientific publications.

Advocacy / Rzecznictwo

Discussion with Nobelist, Prof. Olle Johansson: Humanity’s wireless risk: scientists must clear away what determines bio-effects — EMFs or torsion fields / Dyskusja z Nobilistą Prof. Olle Johanssonem

Permanent contamination of the Earth by 5G network and voluntary acceptance of enemies’ application of electronic warfare  (publlication banned from Polish parliament hearings on 5G law proposal)

Do rządu ws. scypień na covida-19  / Expert virologist opinion on govt’s project of mass covid vax

Zawiadomienie o popełnieniu przestępstwa ++ Związek pandemii coronowirusa C19 z siecią 5G / To Poland’s Public Prosecutor General: SARS CoV-2 pandemic is related to 5G

[ok. 2005] Technologie po 2025, wojskowe i do masowej kontroli ludności (uwagi od Dr Diany Wojtkowiak)  /  [ca. 2005] Post-2025 military and population mass control technologies (comments by Dr. Wojtkowiak)

Old “new” tech wonders / Stare “nowe” cuda techniki

Philosophical basis of scientific research in the age of science crisis

Public presentations / Wystąpienia publiczne


Szkodliwość “pól elektromagnetycznych” (pdf)/ Harm of torsion fields

Wielka psychoza koronowirusa a generowane przez sieć 5G pola torsyjne


Zabójczy wpływ sieci 5G na pola torsyjne organizmów żywych

Czym jest pole torsyjne i jak z niego korzystać

Co to są te pola torsyjne? – historia

Dr Diana Wojtkowiak et al. Wolnozmienne zegary biologiczne wykorzystujące pola torsyjne

Book “Systematic Anthropology” (summary) / KSIĄŻKA ANTROPOLOGIA SYSTEMATYCZNA 

Mysterious nuclear explosions of Feb 2022 busted / Tajemnicze wybuchy atomowe z lutego 2022 rozwikłane

Badania rosyjskie / Russian research

[ru,pl, video Dailymotion] Piotr Gariajew: Zasady powstania życia na Ziemi

FALE SĄ POLEM — WYWIAD Z GIENNADIJEM SZYPOWEM / Interview with Shipov [pl, text]



WSZECHŚWIAT wg SZYPOWA – gdzie rodzą się cuda + CZWARTA GĘSTOŚĆ w zw. z teorią Szypowa

[2018] Pola torsyjne leczą choroby wirusowe / Torsion fields treat viral diseases

Торсионные поля и спин-торсионные
взаимодействия (Библиография)
/ Novosibirsk bibliography


Акимов А.Е. (2003, 2004) – Торсионные поля. Беседы в Нижнем Новгороде / Akimov lectures in Nizhni Novgorod

Торсионные поля. Акимов А.Е. Технологии, опередившие время

[ru, YT subtitles] Anatoli Akimov: Torsion fields

[1997] Акимов А.Е. – Торсионные поля

Исследователь торсионных полей – А. Е. Акимов / In memoriam

Victor Shkatov & Vitaliy Zamsha: Torsion Field and Interstellar Communication

Shipov on Torsion

Shipov’s website UVITOR

Dr. Shipov’s colleague Marina Lobova: Forbidden Science

Victor Shkatov & Vitaliy Zamsha: Torsion Field and Interstellar Communication

Жигалов В.А. / Уничтожение торсионных исследований в России / Destruction of torsion field research in Russia

Kozyrev Symposium 6.6.2015

Trofimov: Remote Viewing the Universe

Первая Российская научная конференция «Физический вакуум – парадигма науки XXI века» / 1st Russian Scientific Conference “Physical Vacuum – 21st century’s science paradigm” November 2020 / I Rosyjska Konferencja Naukowa “Próżnia Fizyczna — Paradygamt Nauki XXI Wieku” listopad 2020

[szkic] Postalinowska inkwizycja Rosyjskiej Akademii Nauk zaszkodziła badaniom pól torsyjnych / Post-Stalinist inquisition by Russian Academy of Sciences has damaged reasearch on torsion fields



Dr. Claude Swanson About The Trivedi Effect® | Torsion Field & Science For The Future


Anatoly Pavlenko et al Patent ES2404292T3 Protection device against effects of a torsion wave emitted by an electronic device

On a particular scale, particular excitation energy states of electrons, protons or neutrons can be the source of an elementary torsion field. Birrel et al. They have thus demonstrated the component of the elementary torsion field corresponding to the classic spin ½ (Birrel ND, Davis PCV Quantum fields in curves space. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, London, New York, New Roshelle, Melbourn, Sydney, 1982, 386 p.). More recently, within the framework of a research program on remote bioenergetic influences, V.V Kvartalnov and N.F. Perevoztchikov have isolated, in addition to electromagnetic radiation, a torsion radiation, also called spinorial radiation, or torsion waves, within the beam of a quantum laser („Découverte d’un composant non physique de rayonnement OKG”, Revue du fond de parapsychologie LL, Vassiliev, 1999, nº 2 (28), art. 64-67).

Torsion fields may also be present on a macroscopic scale. These fields result from the collaborative arrangement of the spins of nuclear or atomic particles of a physical body (Akimov A.E, Tarassenko V.Y .: Informations des Grandes Ecoles, Physique 1992 series, T. 35, No. 3, p. 13). In other words, since any organic or mineral body has its own stereochemical arrangement, which is characterized by the position of the atoms within the molecules and by the respective orientation of the spins of the atoms and associated nuclear particles, The superposition of the elementary torsion fields of each of the particles contributes to the creation of a macroscopic torsion field whose intensity and structure depend on the kinetic moment of spin that is associated with it.

For example, it has been evidenced by D.J. Carlson („Dynamic Nuclear Orientation” New York – London-Sydney, John Wiley & Sons, 1963, 485 p) than a body whose atomic structure is oriented nuclei (for example a magnetized ferromagnetic body) and, more generally a body comprising particles whose atomic and nuclear spins are parallel and of equal direction, generate a torsion field.

Thus, whatever its nature or its composition, any organic or mineral body can generate its own torsion field. In particular, it is known that bodies whose shape has geometric singularities, such as pyramids, cones, tridents, cylinders and flat triangles are active natural sources of torsion fields (AR, Pavlenko: „Ordinateur, TV et santé „. Nicolaïev (” Quid „, 2003, p. 26). Such torsion fields are also called static shape torsion fields.

An extension of the quantum model of the „Sea of Dirac” has been proposed by A.E. Akimov et al to explain a torsion field existence within the Physical Void („Modèle d’états de polarization du Vide Physique”, Information des Grandes écoles – 1992 – N ° 3, Physiqu e – p. 13-23) . In this model, the Physical Vacuum is interpreted as an electron-positron wave packet system, which explains the origin of the torsion fields from the torsional polarization of the particle spins. This model also reveals the origin of the asymmetry paradox of the torsion fields, as opposed to the symmetry of the electromagnetic or gravitational fields that is imposed by the field theory. Thus, the field lines of a torsion field emitted by a physical body are organized according to substantially two cones directed in opposite directions. To each first half space to which a first of the two cones is associated, a first torsion field corresponds whose properties cannot be deduced by symmetry of the second torsion field present in the second complementary half space. These first and second fields can be classified according to two types of fields usually called left torsion field and right torsion field, the left torsion fields being characterized in particular by an anti-clockwise vorticity. Their respective intensities depend on particular of the shape of the physical body.

The state of the spins of the particles or of the molecules of a physical body may be influenced by a torsion field that comes from an external source and may move towards a new metastable equilibrium state, which causes a modification of the structure of the structure. torsion field of the body. It follows that the structure of any physical body, and, in particular, of organic bodies such as bacteria or biological cells can be transformed by subjecting their particles to an external torsion field.

Among the sources of torsion fields, the sources of electrostatic or electromagnetic fields are also known. Indeed, because an electrostatic (/ electromagnetic) field causes an electronic and atomic (/ photonic) polarization and therefore a modification of the spin state of the charge carriers, the electrostatic (/ electromagnetic) fields are therefore also always a torsion field sources.

Thus, most of the electronic devices, among which mobile phones, computer screens or televisions, photocopiers, etc., whose operation is based on the use of electromagnetic waves, are therefore sources of fields of left and right twist. Figure 1 illustrates the cone-shaped structure of the lines of a left torsion field 12, and of a right torsion field 13 emitted by a computer screen 11. It has indeed been found that in a general manner for the apparatus electronic devices that have a screen such as, for example, computers, mobile phones or televisions, left and right torsion waves are emitted in a plane orthogonal to the screen, radiating the left (/ right) torsion wave in direction to the front (/ rear) side of the screen.

Although it has long been thought that electromagnetic waves emitted by electronic devices, and in particular by small electronic devices such as the mobile phone, pocket computer, etc. they were probably the origin of the health disorders found by doctors in the users of said devices, this medical phenomenon being translated, in particular by a modification of the cholesterol level in the blood or by the appearance of nervous or cutaneous disorders, which have been Qualified as electromagnetic hypersensitivity, the conclusions of a recent report of scientific experts sent by the European Union seem to confirm the opposite („Final Report: Risk evaluation of potential environmental Hazard from Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure using Sensitive in vitro Methods” – contract QLK4- CT-199-01574, made between February 1, 2000 and May 31, 2004).

A research program conducted by the Faculty of Biology of the Moscow State University has also shown that the phenomenon of electromagnetic hypersensitivity retained the same intensity whether the devices are running or the power supply unit has been removed. The team that has carried out these investigations has also identified that the probable cause of the electromagnetic hypersensitivity phenomenon was the use of state-of-the-art multilayer integrated circuits, which have very compact matrix structures.

On the contrary, some experiments carried out in several Russian scientific centers, such as the Biological Faculty of the Moscow State University, have shown that exposure to a left torsion field generated by electronic devices such as a mobile phone, a computer, etc., it can have a negative effect on the human body (VA, Nekrassov, „la vie sur terre – série: les secrets de la nature et les découvertes du siècle”, Triada Edition, 2004). In particular, the negative effects of the left torsion field may be manifested by a degradation of the immune defense system and a greater vulnerability to diseases of infectious origin. On the contrary, exposure to a right torsion field seems to have a positive effect on health.

The previous findings therefore show that the origin of the phenomenon of electromagnetic hypersensitivity is spinorial in nature, and therefore related to exposure to the left torsion waves created by the latest generation multilayer integrated circuits.

Patent US6548752B2 System and method for generating a torsion field

Anatoly Akimov et al: Patent US20070287881A1 Destressing system, apparatus, and method therefor

  • [0009]The past two decades have seen an increasing recognition by scientists of the existence of a new fundamental field in physics beyond the long recognized electrical, magnetic, gravitational, and strong and weak nuclear attraction fields, namely, the informational field (IF), with characteristics unique as compared with the classical fields. An example of an informational field is shown in the conservation of twin photons in entanglement experiments, where the transfer of information necessary to conserve spin can happen without energetic properties.
  • [0010]This more newly recognized field has been described by other names as well, such as torsion field, spin field, and informational spin field. The seminal work in understanding and demonstrating the reality of informational fields was done in the former Soviet Union by Russian physicist Anatoly E. Akimov, a coinventor of the present invention, and Russian theoretical physicist Gennady I. Shipov, both of the International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. A summary of the theory and numerous technologies created as a result of this discovery appears in Dr. Akimov’s paper delivered in Moscow in 2000, entitled, Horizons of XXI Century Science and Technologies. A description of the mathematical basis further elaborating and supporting the theory is described in Dr. Shipov’s book, A Theory of Physical Vacuum—A New Paradigm, published in Russian in 1993, and in English in 1998.
  • [0011]In the experimental work with informational spin fields (ISFs), ISFs were found to have different properties than known classical fields. For example, they do not decrease with distance, as all of the other known fields do, according to the inverse square law. ISFs have a spatial structure corresponding to axial symmetry. Objects with like (left-oriented or right-oriented) spins attract, unlike objects with like electrical charges, which repel. ISFs are capable of spin-polarizing space, such that even when a source of an ISF is removed, the space where the field was tends to retain its ISF-influenced state for a period of time.
  • [0012]Informational spin fields have the ability to affect matter under certain circumstances, especially in materials undergoing a phase change, and tend to influence the alignment of electron, nuclear, and atomic spins. This fact was verified by experiments carried out in the Soviet Union using the Mossbauer Effect. In this effect, the only known interaction with the material under investigation is through spin, and the ISF created by devices designed by Anatoly Akimov did affect the materials. Thus, it was proven that these informational fields relate to spin, which is why the term “spin” is being included in the name of these informational fields described herein.
  • [0013]It is presently postulated by some scientists that ISFs carry information, and can impart that information to matter in the form of phase information associated with varying degrees in the precession of spins. Experiments by Dr. Akimov and others show that ISFs can, under certain circumstances, affect crystal structure and molecular structure, and consequently physical properties, in materials.
  • [0014]Informational spin fields are known to be generated in numerous ways. Statically generated ISFs occur inherently with physical geometry. For example, stationary objects, such as spheres, cones, cylinders, and tetrahedrons, all generate static ISFs. The intensity of static ISFs increases with specific ratios in the geometry of the object, such as, for example, the phi ratio of approximately 1.618, as well as with the increasing size of the object.
  • [0015]Dynamically generated ISFs are produced by bodies with angular motion, for example, rotating spheres and nuclear and atomic particles. Dynamically generated ISFs are produced by electromagnetic radiation as well, such as by light and by rotating magnetic fields. An example of an ISF created when rotating a magnet about an axis is illustrated in a device presently produced in Kazakhstan and marketed internationally by Alexander A. Shpilman. Dynamically generated ISFs can also be produced by combinations of geometry and changing electromagnetic fields. Soviet patent No. 1748662 patenting such a device together with its use in modifying the properties of materials was issued in 1992 with priority since 1990 to Anatoly Akimov et al.
  • [0016]The existence of biofields surrounding living beings has been established by scientists over the past several decades. Valerie Hunt, a Professor Emeritus of UCLA, was able use the patterns in electromyograph signals to consistently correlate patterns in the human biofield observed by individuals who could directly perceive them. The results of her 25 years of research and clinical studies demonstrating these results were presented in 1989 in her book, Infinite Mind. More recently, Konstantin Korotkov, Professor of Physics at St. Petersburg State Technical University in Russia, introduced a commercial device using a Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) technique (Kirlian method), and is also able to correlate parameters measured by that device with those patterns observed by individuals who could directly perceive the human biofield. The GDV device outputs have successfully correlated with the real time introduction of stimulation to human subjects experiencing aromas, physical injury, and other stimuli. Biofields themselves appear to be informational spin fields, based upon research observations of Dr. Anatoly Akimov correlating images of biofields observed by individuals who could directly perceive them, with their direct perceptions of the outputs of dynamic ISF generators.

Patents by Inventor Olexander A. Pavlenko

А.И. Дружинин Patent RU2151618C1 Bioenergetic device for protecting human beings and living organisms

1. The technical field to which the invention relates.
The invention relates to medical equipment and is intended to protect humans and living organisms from harmful fields of technogenic origin.

 2. The prior art.  The concept of a field in modern physics is defined as the form of existence of matter transmitting interaction. The state of atoms and molecules of substances, living cells correspond to transitions between one or another of their own energy states. To these states correspond quite definite internal motions of an atom or molecule. So in an atom only electron motions are possible. The molecules additionally have fields of vibrational and rotational motion. The influence of the vibrational fields of molecules is practically not manifested in everyday life. However, the rotational movements of molecules and groups of atoms create a field of rotation, which at certain frequencies can enter into resonance with the field of an interacting person or living organism.

 A characteristic feature of the rotation fields is the property of imprinting, i.e., the transmission of the main characteristics of a material object through a field without mass transfer. Due to the proximity of the physical nature of rotation fields and gravitational fields, the fields under consideration are practically not shielded by natural and artificial media and can spread over considerable distances with an anomalously low attenuation. This, in turn, determines the constant impact on humans and other living organisms of a huge number of harmful fields of technogenic origin. The influence of technogenic rotation fields on humans and living organisms can be very different, from the cessation of life to the appearance of mutants with unusual properties. In its physical parameters, the field caused by the rotational movement of the molecules differs from the field of the electromagnetic wave formed by various vibrators, by the presence of a diverging helix of the Poiting vector from the generation point in the molecule in the presence of rotating components of the electric and magnetic field component. The most harmful to humans and living organisms are man-made rotating fields in the wavelength range of 100 … 900 nm, which coincide with the spectrum of functioning of their cells.

 According to the fundamental law of the material world, a physical field can be absorbed, compensated, or rejected only by a similar field or its individual components having the same origin, close frequency spectra and mutually correlating interactions in space. Airspace by its nature is linear space, i.e., there is no transformation of spectra and fields in it. In this regard, any bioenergetic protection of humans and living organisms is possible only on the basis of correlated fields or on the basis of nonlinear spaces and media.

 A device for protecting living organisms from the adverse effects of electromagnetic and other fields (see US patent, A 61 B 19/00, N WO 9608207 A1), which generates electromagnetic fields. These fields are superimposed in antiphase on external fields, compensating for their negative effect. Since this device generates a transverse electromagnetic wave, it cannot fundamentally compensate for a rotating field due to the lack of correlation of parameters.

 Known radiation protection devices (see Patent of the Russian Federation N 2033200, class A 61 N 1/16, Patent of the Russian Federation N 2071366, class A 61 N 1/16), providing protection for personnel working in the area of electromagnetic radiation, by forming a local compensation zone due to the reception and reflection in antiphase of a harmful electromagnetic field. By virtue of the design decisions made on the basis of a resonant spiral and a silver plate, these devices cannot form a compensating field for technogenic fields having a quantum-wave nature.

 Known devices for forming a protective energy field (see Patent of the Russian Federation N 2057552, class A 61 N 1/16, Patent of the Russian Federation N 2033200, class A 61 N 1/16), providing the creation of a biological screen due to the excitation of a gas discharge lamp and oscillatory circuit. In essence, a gas-discharge device is a variant of a non-linear plasma antenna that forms a spherical quantum-wave and electromagnetic field. In the aggregate, these fields are simultaneously radiated into space and, creating a biological screen in a sufficiently large area, at the same time they are irradiating protected biological objects located in the device coverage area, which in some cases is undesirable.

 A utility model of a device for protection against an energy field is known (see Utility Model Certificate N 0002741, class A 61 H 39/00), in which the biological shield is formed by an infrared source of electromagnetic energy and diverging optical radiation. The device in question is intended for bioenergetic protection of followers from infrared fields of sick people. The considered device cannot provide effective protection of a person from most rotation fields of technogenic origin due to the limited width and power of the spectrum, as well as the lack of a correlation structure of physical interaction with fields formed by rotational movements of molecules.

Opis pola torsyjnego w patencie USA nr 6548752: Pola torsyjne powstają przez klasyczną rotację lub przez gęstość momentu pędu (na poziomie makroskopowym) dowolnego przedmiotu. Jego obrót wywołuje polaryzację w dwu przestrzennych stożkach, odpowiadających lewemu PT i prawemu PT. Źródłem PT na poziomie atomowym mogą być obrót nuklearny jak i pełne ruchy atomowe. Zatem wszystkie przedmioty martwe i żywe generują własne PT.

W odróżnieniu od PEM i pól grawitacyjnych o centralnej symetrii, PT posiadają symetrię osiową. PT różnią się też od PEM tym, że wzajemnie odpychają się przy przeciwnych rotacjach. PT mogą również rozchodzić się przez ciała fizyczne nie współdziałając z nimi.  Toteż PT nie dają się ekranować większością materiałów. Jednak rozchodzące się PT zmienia stan rotacji w przedmiocie, przez który przechodzi.

Ponieważ wszystkie substancje charakteryzują się własną stereochemią, która określa nie tylko położenie atomów w molekułach ale i ich wzajemne ukierunkowanie obrotowe, to  złożenie PT wytworzonych przez rotacje atomowe i nuklearne każdej molekuły wyznacza natężenie PT w otaczającej ją przestrzeni. Nałożenie wszystkich tych PT wyznacza natężenie i układ przestrzenny PT charakterystycznego dla danej substancji. Zatem każdy przedmiot fizyczny, czy to żywy czy nieożywiony, posiada charakterystyczne własne pole torsyjne.

Poza klasyczną rotacją cząstek, wytwarzać PT zdolne są inne metody. Szeroka gama form geometrycznych substancji i przedmiotów to naturalne źródło PT.  Przedmioty o specyficznej geometrii powierzchniowej generują jednocześnie lewe i prawe PT o określonej konfiguracji, zależnie od geometrii przedmiotu, np. piramida, stożek, trójząb, walec, trójkąt płaski.

PT są generowane także przez PEM. Ponieważ polaryzacja ładunku jednocześnie skutkuje utratą równowagi między nim a rotacją, za elektrostatycznym polem podąża PT. Tak to źródła PEM i pól elektrostatycznych zawsze są źródłem PT. Dlatego większość urządzeń elektronicznych, np.telefony komórkowe,monitory komputerowe i aparaty TV emitują PT. Jak większość z nich, telefony komórkowe wytwarzają jednocześnie PT lewe i prawe.